The Angel LCD is truly a legend in the sport. Its is the marker that put
the Angel in the limelight. Their style and abilities were light years
ahead of the competition in the late 90's and early 2000's. Since the
LCD, WDP has made small performance enhancing changes to the Angel's
design, however the core operating principals and design have stayed the
same. While this video may be tailored toward the LCD, its ideas can be
carried over to any the Angel markers. If you own an newer Angel, and
you watch this video, you have a solid foundation of knowledge to work
on your Angel. Even though this video may not be made specifically for
your particular model Angel, it will definitely give you the confidence
and attention to detail you need in order to work on an Angel. This
video may not be perfect of every Angel, but it will greatly help with
you understand how to work on an Angel regardless what model you own.Complete Tear Down Comprehensive Rebuild Adjusting the Hammer, LPR, and Inline Reg for Max Performance Common Problems and Easy Fixes
What it covers: