CCI Phantom Pump Markers: Legends are never forgotten, classics never die...
Do you remember when paintball was about planning and tactics and not just "spray and pray"? If you're like us, you grew up playing paintball when paint was expensive and extra money was short. We learned to run long flanking maneuvers, how to move through the woods in total silence, and to crawl in so close that the last shot was almost completely assured. This style of play and philosophy is engrained in the hand crafted CCI Phantom Pump line. For over 20 years the Phantom has been known for its legendary accuracy, lightweight frame, simple mechanical design, and rugged construction. When each shot requires you to cock and load the next paintball, your budget goes farther and your skill is tested. Whether you're an "old timer" returning to your roots or if you simply enjoy the challenge of making every shot count, the Phantom is the quintessential pump paintball gun which will draw nods of admiration from those in the know.
Available in a variety of configurations, here is the classic Open Class Pump.